Friday, August 23, 2013

You sound like you're from Londoooonn

     Well here I am in some of my last hours in London, I leave the hotel at 3:30 in the morning on Saturday. It's been a long few days, I can't even really begin to describe how happy I am that I am here and with the people I am with. I've already made some good friends and that will grow with time. The flight over wasn't too bad, and because we flew British Airways I was able to have my first "legal" drink on the way over, white one of course (that shouldn't surprise those who know me). When we arrived at Heathrow we were shuttled to the hotel on a coach bus and lucky us arrived in the morning in the thick of rush hour, YIPPEE, kidding. It took us over an hour to get to our hotel in one of the burbs in London, it was pretty miserable. 
     When we got to the hotel we were told check in wasn't till 4 and that we had the afternoon to do whatever. Of course all of us just wanted to shower and nap but we couldn't. We had 6 plus hours till check in so we ventured around the city. And when I mean city I mean massive city, I truly had no idea how big London really was. The girls from SMC hooked up with some from Quinnipac and we had a great time despite the rain. We attempted to go to the history museum but there was a huggggee line so we disregarded that idea and went to some random museum and I soon grew bored so me and another girl just walked up and down a few blocks around the area till the meeting time came. We took the tube back and forth around the city, and lets just say I am not a city girl at all. I'm lucky that some of the girls with me could figure it out, to me it's gibberish. My highlight of the day was seeing "platform 9 and three quarters" from HP. I really wanted to get my picture with it but the line was too long to wait so I had to deal with a random girl instead of me going to Hogwarts. :( 
Platform 9 and 3 Quarters !

     Later on in the night I met up with Mike for dinner and we went to a local pub. I was so happy to see my brother and especially in London! It was great to see him and hear about how training over in London is going, despite most of the time I have no idea what he is actually saying but I can catch on a little. That night a huge group of us went out for our first night out of many, we started off at a pub and ended up at a club, but since it was still "early" according to locals and a weeknight we ended up being some of the only people there. It was awesome though, we all had a great time dancing and laughing away. We called it a night around 2 maybe? I'm not sure because I haven't had my phone, not gonna lie. It's nice, I only get wifi when I'm at the hotel and then I use it to contact my parents and best friend and not much more. 
Brother and sister in London

     This morning we woke up early for breakfast which was your typical hotel breakfast, I had a croissant and some bomb jam. Then we went on a bus tour of London seeing all different sights like Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, a bank which was Gringotts in Harry Potter and alot of other sights. I personally loved seeing all the different places where HP was filmed etc. It was a good tour but I wish that our double decker tour bus was an open top. I saw where the royal family has their money, they even have their own ATM in the palace so they don't have to use the one that others use and can access it whenever, casual.... Apparently Coutts is very selective and you need something like 100,000 or 100 millin pounds in cash on top of your savings on hand to open up an account, that's crazy! 
Coutts; The Royal Families Bank

SMC, QU and HPU do the Buckingham Palace aka my future home 

SMC and the Buckingham Palace

    I'm back at the hotel just hanging out going to take a nap soon and then meet up with a few girls later on to hang out and go out to dinner. I'm passing on going out tonight due to my recent lack of sleep. I think I went something like sleeping 9 hours if that in over 3 days due to time change and then just trying to get in alot in the little time I am here. I can't believe this time tomorrow I will be on the coast of Italy legit living the dream for two weeks!!! 

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